2022 Marcum National Construction Survey

1. Did you apply for and get accepted for the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) for 2020 and/or 2021 tax years? Yes 50% No 33% I'm not aware of the ERTC 17% 2. Do you feel that over the past year the ability to obtain financing has: Decreased 13% CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 2022 MARCUM NATIONAL

Stayed about the same

68% 19%



What is the current outlook on your bonding capacity? It will be significantly more difficult to obtain bonding


It will be somewhat more difficult to obtain bonding It will be neither more nor less to obtain bonding It will be somewhat less difficult to obtain bonding It will be significantly less difficult to obtain bonding

14% 71%

7% 3%

4. For contractors, which of the agreements below do your owners sign personally? Personal indemnity agreement with the surety


Personal guarantee agreement with bank

22% 49% 21%

Both surety and bank personal guarantee agreements Owners do not sign personally on either agreement

5. In the next 3 years in your region, do you see your business having: More opportunities

59% 13% 28%

Fewer opportunities

Same amount of opportunities


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